Saturday 15 October 2011

General - Opposites Pattern

Once my pattern was finally drew up, I scanned it into the computer and putting it into illustrator, live traced it to turn it into a line drawing. From this file I was able to export it into a file suitable for Coreldraw, and laser cut the pattern out.

I started by using A4 black card, I was concerned that my pattern may have been too close together and I'd loose parts of the design when it was cut out, however, this surprisingly was not the case! Hoorah. I was impressed by the impact it had, and was really pleased with the outcome! I'm going to try cutting it out on white, backing it on black, and maybe try adding colour. I'll do all this in a4, then scale it up to a3 for my final piece. 

There were a few problematic area's which were lost, but not many at all. Tweaking the design should fix this, however, the scale I have used needs to be taken into consideration. I'm going to cut it on a3 first and see if tweaking is still necessary. 

Bit messy here where the petals link

Missing a whole section of detail

Missing middle section with detail

I managed to add some of the missing details from the cuttings and stick them on when I fixed the cut out onto the white backing paper

My only concern with the overall piece is that there isn't really a clear 'simple' end. My plan of action to fix this is to try and extend my design and build upon the simple end, or I might experiment with making a series of 3 to have a clearer progression, still flowing from each frame with the shapes. 

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