Sunday 23 October 2011

General - Repeat Patterns

For inspiration with my designs I looked into the work of William Morris, I've seen his work at his 'The Red House' as it is in my town at home, some of his patterns are so ornate and detailed!
After looking at his work I wanted to try and create my own repeat pattern, so I looked on the internet for a technique or tutorial and found this:

Therefore, I tried out a rough pattern to get the technique and idea of how to do it.

So I tried a rough design first, not being too precious about it, which worked really well! The image needed to be taped together closer and the edges needed to be cleaned up when scanned in to make it neater as you can see the tiled image, but for a first try it was pretty good!

Therefore I tried it again, however making it more complicated and neater, making the join neater and cleaning up the edges of the scan before tiling it. I also tried a longer piece to see how that would affect the turn out.

By joining up the diagonal branch it made the pattern more complicated, and the original tiled image less obvious. 

I liked this technique and am thinking of developing it into my idea to get a greater sense of the words I am using, for example creating a more complicated pattern, still using the floral patterns and elements as before, and a simpler one, where the grid is perhaps subtler  

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