Monday 10 October 2011

General - Rob Ryan

Rob Ryan has a very unique style, in a strange way he is quite sketchy, but all of his paper cut work creates a sense of detail and preciseness at the same time, I love this mixture of sense I get from him. He seems more rough and ready compared to Julene Harrison. From his paper cuts he also uses them to create screen prints of his work.

Rob uses a laser cutter to create his work, which is something I want to explore within in this project, so looking at his work is inspirational and drives my project to see what kind of thing can be achieved with this kind of technology.

He uses a lot of floral organic shapes in the make up of his designs, which again is something I'm veering towards in this project, so seeing different ways in which they were created gives me a push in the right direction.


I learnt from researching him at he has a shop in East London, which I want to make the effort to find and visit when I'm home next! I would also love to buy something from there. Also, looking at his work I noticed he has a few books out, one where he has worked with Carol Ann Duffy, who I studied at GCSE english, so a familiar name really interested me, I want to find this book!

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