Tuesday 4 October 2011

General - Flux Book

With only a week for this project, I have had to make decisions really quickly on what to do.

I was unhappy with a couple of the pieces which weren't interactive, but photographed, which I think disrupts the flow and theme I was going for, but under the pressure of the deadline I had to get something done, so I did some digitally instead.

I felt that this piece was a bit rushed, however, I liked the use of objects for their forms

Flowing caused a few problems for me, at first I tried filling the tubes with some coloured water so that the audience could move the page around to make it flow, however, I think that the trapped air stopped this from working very well as the tubes were quite narrow. Therefore after numerous attempts I decided to substitute the liquid for something solid. So I went for sugar as it was small and grainy. I was disappointed that what I had envisioned didn't work out, but I think that the overall concept was still put across well.

I felt that this was really interactive, the only down fall being that you can only do it once. I kept the piece as plain as possible so that there was no reason for the viewer to pick a specific section to scratch off for any particular or unconscious reasons.

Although this isn't exceptionally interactive I felt that the concept of doing these things made it more so. I used items that would be toxic if you were to burn them, from plastics, to treated wood. 

Being unable to put a jigsaw together makes it useless and not serve its function. I decided to keep the pieces plain and fix them down because if the viewer did manage to assemble the jigsaw it would defeat the whole point of the piece

Using barbie as influence I simply designed the word flux and barbied it up, using pinks, the long blonde hair and pink heels, also mimicking the logo with the fonts and positioning. I was happy with the piece, but again I feel it ruins the flow of the hand made and interactive theme I was originally going for.

 A zip isn't something you initially think will be spiky, but putting it on its edge make any viewer instantly want to touch it, realising themselves the texture.

I'm really happy with the outcome of this. I decided to use a red italic curvy font behind the bubble wrap to continue to portray the sense of temptation. I experimented with cutting the letters out of bubble wrap, but often that lead to some bubbles being destroyed, and I found a bigger surface area far more inviting. 

Burn was one piece that I was pleased with, but felt it was rushed, and again, isn't tactile, which is disappointing.
I was really happy with how 'sticky' turned out! After looking at loads of different types of glues and adhesives I found a glue that was able to be removed and also stretched when it was pulled. I think this is my favourite one.

I decided to use string and bind it together myself to continue the hand made theme, I also had to allow room in the join for 3d elements on some of the pages. 

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