Wednesday 16 November 2011

Professional Practice Brief - Alight!

Meeting the Client: 

From meeting the client we were able to find out more about this live brief we were set, allowing us to ask questions and gather as much information as we could about the event itself and what it was about:

- 3rd March 2012 (Saturday)
- Based in Sheffield
- Presented by the BBC and LOCOG - 'to create excitement in the lead up to the London 2012 Festival, the finale of the Cultural Olympiad - associated with the celebration of the build up to the Olympics, but not allowed/funded to actually be associated with it... 
- 1 of 15 major music projects in the national event
- Led by Sheffield Philharmonic Chorus
- Celebration of music, dance, art, performing arts
- People of all ages/abilities participating - Bringing everyone together
- 'Unite, Arise, Alight'

We found out that there was 3 parts to the Alight event:

Alight Daylight (12:00 - 17:50)
 - Range of different events
 - Different venues - Winter Gardens/Hubs/Town Hall/Victoria Hall...
 - Mostly free
 - Target audience general public/families and friends of performers
 - Interactive day

Alight Twilight (19:30 - 21:30)
 - Paying, ticketed event - mostly sold out
 - Audience of family and friends of performers
 - Fully directed show
 - At the City Hall
 - 500 local performers

Alight into the Night (21:30 onwards)
 - Held at the hubs
 - Target Audience of those involved/students/general public
 - Music into the early hours

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